Emini S&P 500 Stock Index Futures Trading

How to make money if the market goes up or down, put up as little as 10% margin, with zero interest costs. What could be better?

Do you desire to trade for a living?

Full-time... Part-time... Anytime... Anywhere...

Very simple trading techniques for Bull & Bear Markets... 

Is it Simple?   Yes!   Is it easy?   Absolutely not!

Scalping, Day-Trading, Swing-Trading, Long-Term Trades & Hedging...

Are you ready for the next big move down? 

Followed by the even bigger move up? 

We can help!!!

Coming Soon! Watch the following Intro Video



Intro Video

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Your Mission is to Increase Your Wealth

Our Mission is to Help You Succeed

Investing and trading is not "Rocket Science" or "Brain Surgery." It's straight forward RULES and SKILLS that anyone can master. Learning and improving your investing analysis and trading skills is the secret to success. We love helping anyone improve their investing analysis and trading skills to become an Alpha Trader!

You can Master Emini S&P 500 Futures Trading

There is no better day-trading opportunity than the Emini S&P 500 or Micro Emini S&P 500 futures contract. We'll show you how to turn that day-trade into a swing-trade or even a position-trade. We'll teach you exactly how and why you'll take a long-buy or a short-sell. Then we''ll show you how and why to place a protective stop or simply exit your position.

Every once in a while we nail it, but we also are wrong quite often. Systems can produce large and small winners, along with large and small losers. Your job as a successful trader is to limit large losers to small losers. That is paramount... and the biggest difference between success and failure!

This electronically traded E-Mini S&P 500 futures contract has proven to be the best at trading liquidity and the fairest price fills. Why? There are no more middle men making a market in the Emini 500 futures as is the case with some other popular leveraged trading derivatives today.

In addition to learning how, when and why to take a trading position, we'll teach you how to evaluate the intraday, daily, weekly and even monthly charts to get a long-term perspective on the stock market and even the economy. The Emini S&P 500 is an extraordinary short-term trading and/or portfolio hedging tool for anyone wanting to build wealth using the stock market. 

NOTE: Managing risk is paramount, and risk comes in many forms. We'll explain in detail...

Limited-time Offer $14/mo vs $28/mo for all our Courses plus all our 

Market Analysis & Trade Recap Vlogs. Cancel Anytime!

If Bruce Lee were a High-Risk Futures Trader...

My favorite quote is from Bruce Lee, arguably the greatest fighter of all time. Bruce Lee said, "Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless like water. If you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup. Water can flow and it can crash. Become like water my friend."

How To apply Bruce Lee's Philosophy

Be careful holding fast to an opinion, being too early or too late. Even when you’re right in your analysis, poor timing can lead to needless stress and even forced losses. 

Example: In the book, The Big Short, which was made into a fascinating movie, the financial genius and hedge fund manager, Michael Burry, placed an extraordinary bet against the titans on Wall Street. 

Although he was eventually correct in his analysis... that many mortgage-backed securities were loaded with fraudulent and high-risk loans... his investors watched their accounts decline. 

Some had liquidated their accounts and took losses because they lost confidence in him. He had to stop further liquidations, and even began to doubt his own analysis and judgement before the short position eventually worked. 

He was right, he was a genius, but he acted too early in the trade set-up and suffered needlessly. Remember, every Wall Street Titan who betted against him was arrogantly wrong.

Bad mortgage loans nearly brought down the world's financial system and led to the great recession of 2008 - 2009.

Always be ready for any unexpected situation such as breaking news. You will be wrong from time-to-time... just don't get knocked out!

Controlling large losses will keep you in the wealth building game, i.e., "Know When to Hold-Them and When to Fold-Them...


We trade highly leveraged stock market futures everyday. Although we occasionally have very strong opinions about markets, we agree with Bruce Lee – "Empty your mind, be like water."

Learn to control your emotions: Fear, Greed, Hope and the one I struggled with the most - FOMO the "Fear Of Missing Out," which requires patience. If you miss a trade, another one is coming up! 

More Knowledge... Plus, More Experience... Plus, more Skills... AND, Practice, Practice, Practice = Potential Success with Greater Profits...

How are we different from other Stock Index Futures Courses?

We focus on mastering the Emini S&P 500, but everything we teach can be applied to other trading instruments? 

What you will get at Emini 500 Academy

  • You'll learn everything you need to know including opening a new trading account at TradeStation or TD Ameritrade with their Number 1 rated "Think-or-Swim" trading platform. They're not the cheapest, but overall they're the best. They were acquired by, and are now part of, Charles Schwab. 
  • You'll learn a trading methodology with the fewest moving parts, that is superior to complicated esoteric systems with many parts. Are you familiar with the acronym "KISS," Keep-It-Simple-Stupid? Engineers preach simplicity, and so do we! 
  • You'll be able to determine the exact entry & exit prices for your trades and adjust them as needed.
  • Support/resistance or demand/supply analysis is paramount to short-term trading success...
  • IMPORTANT: You'll learn how to view the market from short AND long-term perspectives.
  • Trading Emini 500 futures is not meant to replace your stock investments, but to enhance them.
  • You'll learn how to hedge your stock portfolios against large market declines.
  • You'll learn the psychology of how and why to take (and accept) small losses while also learning to capture small, medium and large profits.
  • If you master these methods, you'll be able to create awesome profit compounding for life.
  • You'll learn fundamental & technical analysis and how to benefit from each one. You'll also learn the "psychology of trading" for successful money management, i.e., "Know when to Hold-em and Know when to Fold-em."
  • You'll learn solid trading methodologies from a professional who started trading options on US Treasury Bond Futures in 1983 as a new stock broker with Dean Witter Reynolds.
  • You'll learn to focus on just one thing... trading the E-mini futures contract. Given sufficient time and a "hard-work" ethic you might become an expert.
  • The cost to learn what we teach is insignificant to the potential for wealth creation. The cost to learn futures trading on your own can be very costly!
  • You'll receive never ending improvements, features and benefits to build wealth over your lifetime. We'll also be hiring additional talent as we grow.
  • NOTE: The very top futures traders in America are self-made billionaires! Far greater wealth potential than what medical doctors and lawyers can make!
  • Some of these top traders are: Richard Dennis, Paul Tutor Jones II, and Monroe Trout, Jr. Get the book "Market Wizards" by Jack D. Schwager for a great deal of inspiration.
  • Our price is extremely reasonable considering we provide valuable courses that can be studied at your leisure, along with daily and weekly Vlogs that enhance and reinforce our trading techniques. 

What you WILL NOT get here from us

  • There is no "secret-recipe" or "get-rich-quick" scheme where you invest little money to make millions. Anyone telling you differently is running a scam. The skills and the discipline required to make money are developed with good mentors, hard work, perseverance and patience.
  • No confusion on how to start trading the E-mini, including entry, exit and protective stop prices wth easy to follow instructions, methods and steps. Note: stops must be monitored for changes.
  • No useless esoteric indicators that are derivatives of price... they're too slow, and the best entry price is usually gone when their signals occur. The worst teaching websites still use trading indicators. We stopped using them in the 1980's. Successful traders don't use them for very good reasons.
  • We don't advise keying off bonds, oil, gold, foreign currencies or any other trading instruments. Sure, all of them work great, until they don't, then the losses role in. It's just noise most of the time! Again, KISS is the answer... "Less is more." 
  • Large losses... we'll teach you how to avoid them. Small Losses are totally normal in short-term leveraged trading and MUST NOT be feared or it will affect you emotionally, behaviorally and certainly in your trading performance. 
  • We don't ignore the importance of the psychology of leveraged trading. Understanding how you react to winners and losers is paramount to successful futures trading. Understanding the psychology of crowd behavior is just as important. The greatest poker players master statistics AND psychology!  
  • No emotional videos of instructors in their exotic cars, big yachts, jets, mansions or vacation homes hyping how rich they are and how rich you will be if you send them money. Don't fall for their emotional hype. Top traders don't flaunt their success!
  • This is NOT just for day-traders... Work part-time, full-time, any time and anywhere! Emini S&P 500 Futures are for anyone wanting anytime profits from any location with an internet connection!
  • You will NOT learn to "swing-for-the-fences" for a 1,000% option trade winner. The lottery can be very entertaining, but this is a business with incredible potential. You can start part-time in the evenings, and with a laptop you can work anywhere. 
  • Many professional sports are won by grinding out singles and doubles in baseball, and consistent yardage in football. In futures trading it's called PROFIT COMPOUNDING... We'll show you how! 
  • PLEASE NOTE: This website is not a substitution for stock market investing... it's in addition to and an enhancement for your investing strategies and wealth creation! Especially the hedging elements we teach to protect stock portfolios.
  • Some of our competitors charge thousands for their courses and don't provide ongoing Vlogs to keep you up to date on current market conditions. The few competitors that do provide courses and ongoing Vlogs usually charge a small fortune. 

Conclusion: Learn how to compound trading profits to build wealth! Will you be one of the few to master the Emini?

The 80/20 Rule in Futures Trading

Everyone has heard of the 80/20 rule. Here it means 20% of futures traders make 80% of the money. Actually, it's more like 90/10 with the bottom traders losing to the top traders. Don't leave this to chance, learn everything you can and practice, practice, practice. APPLIED KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! There is no secret recipe, Holy Grail, or algorithm that works all the time, or will even give you the needed edge to really prosper at futures trading. You are the difference, and training your brain, and your emotions, is number one on the to-do list. IT TAKES KNOWLEDGE, PATIENCE & PRACTICE... 

Never stop learning! Even the best of the best look for new ideas, methods or trading tools to add to their tool box. We do!  

Will your life be changed if you try this and find it's not for you? Not likely! Will it be changed if you successfully implement what you learn at Emini 500 ACADEMY? Most likely... So why not give it a try? Our 7-day 100% "Money Back Guarantee" allows you to judge for yourself if this makes sense for you. Wealth building is a marathon not a sprint! Give it time...

Emini 500 Academy Course Information

Our course lessons are organized to take you step-by-step through the learning process to achieve the best trading results. You can stop as you please, and then resume later. Our course lessons are far more effective at learning to trade, control risk, and increase profitable trades than trying to organize YouTube videos on your own. To put this into perspective... just one profitable trade can pay for these courses many times over... and, decreasing losses while trying get the required experience can also pay for these courses! 

Course Curriculum... Pricing & Signup... Limited Time Offer for ALL our Courses & Vlogs to save over 50% off our Full Prices. 

Note: The Founders' $14/mth  "Pre-Completion Discount" vs $28/mth is limited to the first 500 enrollments. Don't miss out! It will save the first 500 sign-ups ("Founding Members") 50% for as long as you keep the membership in good standing.

Emini 500 Academy Courses

These Master Courses can supply the Knowledge... 

You can apply that Knowledge to build more Wealth!


  Introduction to "TradeStation" Trading Platform Course

 Specialized in trading Futures Contracts

Learn how to open and use the "TradeStation" trading and account platform, along with comparisons to the following "Think Or Swim" account platform. Please note: The paper-trading feature comes with every account on both platforms.

We have used several competing trading investing platforms and have found these two to be the best combination of commission cost and platform features. We prefer to trade the Emini 500 futures contract on the TradeStation platform over the Think Or Swim platform at Schwab for two reasons: 1. the commission costs are lower, and 2. we use tick charts chart extensively, and the Think Or Swim is platform limited to five days of tick charting; where as, TradeStation is not limited. We like the Think Or Swim platform at Schwab far better if you need to trade futures along with securities, such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds in one account. I use TradeStation for futures and Think Or Swim for other securities.

We use only a small percentage of the capabilities of either of these incredible programs, but once these basics are learned all of the other features on each platform could be explored and/or taught by each companies' tutorials.

Although we do some Fundamental Analysis, we believe Technical Analysis is faster, easier, and can be more reliable. What we mean by that is stories can be fabricated to benefit those telling the stories. Those stories may be about individual investments, markets, or even economic forecasts. Note: Over time fundamental analysis is paramount, but in the short-term it can lead to confusing and unnecessary losses. Over-sold markets can get much more over-sold, and over-bought markets can get much more over-bought.

Price charts are more difficult to manipulate. Whose opinion is more valuable, a fundamental analyst with no money on the line, or the cumulative totality of small and large traders looking to profit and avoid losses?

The study of price charts is known as Technical Analysis. We have been doing this for decades and have found the simplest methods to also be the most reliable. There are thousands of computer-generated technical studies that are a monumental waste of time. Every trading platform has them, but save yourself a ton of time and trading losses, and avoid the mass majority.

Why do we say that? Because we believe price evaluation is paramount, and the further you get away from the current price the larger the losses are likely to occur. Some technical studies generate a trading signal well after prices have moved, and by that time the best price may be gone. The major element of technical analysis is the study of price charts of individual securities, industry sectors, and major markets both here and abroad.


Buttons will be active soon with expected Course Launch Date Early 2025.

Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer: Courses Regular Price of $98 for all five (5) is included

with all four (4) Market Analysis & Trade Recap Vlogs for just $14 per month.

PLEASE NOTE: Credit Cards will not be charged until 50% of all Emini 500 Academy

Courses and Vlogs are completed and online.

Cancel Anytime...


  Introduction to the Charles Schwab "ThinkOrSwim"   Trading Platform Course... Specializing in the Emini 500

Learn how to open and use the "Think Or Swim" account platform at Charles Schwab. 

We have used several competing trading investing platforms and have found these two to be the best combination of commission cost and platform features. We prefer TradeStation platform over the Think Or Swim platform at Schwab for two reasons: 1. the commission costs are lower, and 2. we use tick charts chart extensively, and the Think Or Swim is platform limited to five days of charting, where as, TradeStation is not limited. Think or Swim might be far better if you need to trade futures along with securities, such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds in one account. I use TradeStation for futures and Think Or Swim for other securities.

We use only a small percentage of the capabilities of either of these incredible programs, but once these basics are learned all of the other features on each platform could be explored and/or taught by using each companies' tutorials.

Although we do some Fundamental Analysis, we believe technical analysis is faster, easier, and can be more reliable. What we mean by that is stories can be fabricated to benefit those telling the stories. Those stories may be about individual investments, markets, or even economic forecasts. Note: Over time fundamental analysis is paramount, but in the short-term it can lead to confusing and unnecessary losses. Over-sold markets can get much more over-sold, and over-bought markets can get much more over-bought.

Price charts are more difficult to manipulate. Whose opinion is more valuable, a fundamental analyst with no money on the line, or the cumulative totality of small and large traders looking to profit and avoid losses?


The study of price charts is known as Technical Analysis. We have been doing this for decades and have found the simplest methods to also be the most reliable. There are thousands of computer-generated technical studies that are a monumental waste of time. Every trading platform has them, but save yourself a ton of time and trading losses, and avoid the mass majority.

Why do we say that? Because we believe price evaluation is paramount, and the further you get away from the current price the larger the losses are likely to occur. Some technical studies generate a trading signal well after prices have moved, and by that time the best price may be gone. The major element of technical analysis is the study of price charts of individual securities, industry sectors, and major markets both here and abroad.


Buttons will be active soon with expected Course Launch Date Early 2025.

Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer: Courses Regular Price of $98 for all five (5) is included

with all four (4) Market Analysis & Trade Recap Vlogs for just $14 per month.

PLEASE NOTE: Credit Cards will not be charged until 50% of all Emini 500 Academy

Courses and Vlogs are completed and online.

Cancel Anytime...


The Basics of Futures and Stock Index Futures Course

Introduction & Basics - What are futures, specifically stock index futures & how do they work.

This course teaches futures contract trading, specifically stock index futures. It covers everything from A to Z on how to successfully trade stock index futures with a focus on the E-mini S&P 500 futures contract. Learn the best strategies for measuring the amount of risk and potential profit for each trade setup. 

The Emini S&P 500 futures contract is by far the best day-trading vehicle for capturing and compounding short and long-term trading profits. 

Important: Just 1 profitable trading point = $50... which would pay for all of our Master Courses, plus our daily, weekly and monthly market analysis and trade recap videos.

There are several other stock index futures derivatives that we will briefly cover, but the E-mini 500 is the largest and most liquid index futures. The vast majority of what is learned studying the E-mini 500 is also applicable to other stock index futures.

This course should be considered a prerequisite to the following "Hedging Risk & Supercharging Stock Portfolios Course," although it is not mandatory as we will touch on, or repeat, many of the basics learned in this course. 

Caution: Futures can be highly leveraged meaning you can make, AND LOSE, money very fast. We will explain the risks and rewards in great detail in this class. If you are considering trading futures, or have struggled with making money consistently, be sure to take these courses and follow our daily, weekly and monthly market analysis and trade recap VLOGS. We feel certain there is no better way to learn, or improve, trading Emini 500 Index futures. Also, at a fraction of the cost of less effective competitors.  

Buttons will be active soon with expected Course Launch Date Early 2025.

Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer: Courses Regular Price of $98 for all five (5) is included

with all four (4) Market Analysis & Trade Recap Vlogs for just $14 per month.

PLEASE NOTE: Credit Cards will not be charged until 50% of all Emini 500 Academy

Courses and Vlogs are completed and online.

Cancel Anytime...


Mastering the Emini S&P 500 Futures Trading Course

Intermediate - The Psychology of Support & Resistance...

Intermediate - The Psychology of Chart Patterns...

Advanced - Developing a Winning Risk/Reward Strategy...

Advanced - The Pros & Cons of Day Trades vs Swing Trades vs Position Trades...

This course teaches futures contract trading, specifically stock index futures. It covers everything from A to Z on how to successfully trade stock index futures with a focus on the E-mini S&P 500 futures contract. Learn the best strategies for measuring the amount of risk and potential profit for each trade setup. 

The Emini S&P 500 futures contract is by far the best day-trading vehicle for capturing and compounding short and long-term trading profits. 

Important: Just 1 profitable trading point = $50... which would pay for all of our Master Courses, plus our daily, weekly and monthly market analysis and trade recap videos.

There are several other stock index futures derivatives that we will briefly cover, but the E-mini 500 is the largest and most liquid index futures. The vast majority of what is learned studying the E-mini 500 is also applicable to other stock index futures.

This course should be considered a prerequisite to the following "Hedging Risk & Supercharging Stock Portfolios Course," although it is not mandatory as we will touch on, or repeat, many of the basics learned in this course. 

Caution: Futures can be highly leveraged meaning you can make, AND LOSE, money very fast. We will explain the risks and rewards in great detail in this class. If you are considering trading futures, or have struggled with making money consistently, be sure to take these courses and follow our daily, weekly and monthly market analysis and trade recap VLOGS. We feel certain there is no better way to learn, or improve, trading Emini 500 Index futures. Also, at a fraction of the cost of less effective competitors.  

Buttons will be active soon with expected Course Launch Date Early 2025.

Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer: Courses Regular Price of $98 for all five (5) is included

with all four (4) Market Analysis & Trade Recap Vlogs for just $14 per month.

PLEASE NOTE: Credit Cards will not be charged until 50% of all Emini 500 Academy

Courses and Vlogs are completed and online.

Cancel Anytime...


Stock Portfolio Risk Hedging & Supercharging Course

Using Emini 500 Futures to Hedge Stock Portfolio Risk... 

If you are not experienced trading Stock Index Futures on futures it is imperative that you take courses 1 & 2 first. They are prerequisites to this course. In this course you will learn several methods to greatly increase portfolio profitability. 

This course seeks to hedge downside portfolio risk and even profit from moves in the stock market both up and down.

We do this by going long or short the Emini S&P 500 Futures Contract with varying position sizes depending on the portfolio size. To simplify learning everything in these portfolio hedging courses we will use the Charles Schwab S&P 500 Mutual Fund as our stock portfolio, but these advanced strategies can be used on any portfolio of stocks, stock index funds, stock ETFs, or any combination. 

IN THE FUTURE: In addition to trading Emini 500 index futures we may teach hedging strategies using options on the Emini 500 futures primarily with credit spreads. This strategy of shorting options has many benefits to increase portfolio yields, but one must monitor closely when prices move quickly in the wrong direction. We will cover buying puts even though we rarely do for ourselves because of time decay and deltas (again, we'll explain this in detail in the course).

If you're new to options, and especially if you're new to option spreading strategies, any confusion will go away once we build the options trading course lessons.  DO NOT SHORT OPTIONS IN YOUR OWN ACCOUNT UNTIL YOU THOROUGHLY UNDERSTAND ALL OF THE MECHANICS AND RISKS OF OPTIONS TRADING. 

Buttons will be active soon with expected Course Launch Date Early 2025.

Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer: Courses Regular Price of $98 for all five (5) is included

with all four (4) Market Analysis & Trade Recap Vlogs for just $14 per month.

PLEASE NOTE: Credit Cards will not be charged until 50% of all Emini 500 Academy

Courses and Vlogs are completed and online.

Cancel Anytime...

Emini 500 Academy Vlog Information

Our Emini 500 Vlogs will reinforce what is learned in the courses to help traders analyze price action charts successfully. These Vlogs will illustrate both long-term and short-term market analysis, along with a recap of winning and losing trades to analyze what we did right and what we did wrong. 

Pre-Open Vlog: Approximately 10 to 20 minutes before the cash market opens we will analyze the overnight Emini 500 futures trading, along with any trades that might have been placed. Additionally, we will briefly discuss and analyze several global stock markets and how that might be affecting the Emini 500 futures contract prices.

Post Closing Vlog: Our Vlogs will put what is learned in the courses into action. 

Emini 500 Academy Vlogs

These Vlogs can supply the Knowledge... 

You can apply that Knowledge to help build more Wealth!


Pre-Opening Market Analysis &

Overnight Trade Recap Vlog

This is an excellent DAILY, WEEKLY AND MONTHLY continuing education to our Emini 500 Index Futures trading courses. These updates will illustrate our chart analysis and trading for the day. There may be a dozen trades, and likewise, there may be zero trades. We will explain why! 

The "Pre-Opening" VLOG will analyze the overnight trading and include any trades we took, or missed, which will be an informative way to begin your trading day.

Each Friday, we will post that daily Vlog on YouTube.com so you can share, and/or, recommend our research with friends, family, and associates that my have an interest.

We plan to create an Affiliate Marketing program so interested parties can promote our services and get paid when someone subscribes. We can either spend our money on advertising, or on affiliates, or both! STAY TUNED...

Additionally, each Saturday our members will have online access to our Market Analysis, plus a recap analysis of our trades for the week... the winners, the losers, what we should have done better... and why! SEE Below...

Again, consider these trade recaps as continuing education of our academy courses.

Buttons will be active soon with expected Course Launch Date Early 2025.

Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer: Courses Regular Price of $98 for all five (5) is included

with all four (4) Market Analysis & Trade Recap Vlogs for $14 per month.

PLEASE NOTE: Credit Cards will not be charged until 50% of all Emini 500 Academy

Courses and Vlogs are completed and online.

Cancel Anytime...


End-of-Day Market Analysis & Trade Recap Vlog

 Friday's Vlog will also be posted on YouTube.com 

This is an excellent DAILY, WEEKLY AND MONTHLY continuing education to our Emini 500 Index Futures trading courses. These updates will illustrate our chart analysis and trading for the day. There may be a dozen trades, and likewise, there may be zero trades. We will explain why! 

Each Friday, we will post that daily Vlog on YouTube.com so you can share, and/or, recommend our research with friends, family, and associates that my have an interest.

We plan to create an Affiliate Marketing program so interested parties can promote our services and get paid when someone subscribes. We can either spend our money on advertising, or on affiliates, or both! STAY TUNED...

Additionally, each Saturday our members will have online access to our Market Analysis, plus a recap analysis of our trades for the week... the winners, the losers, what we should have done better... and why! SEE Below...

Again, consider these trade recaps as continuing education of our academy courses.

Buttons will be active soon with expected Course Launch Date Early 2025.

Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer: Courses Regular Price of $98 for all five (5) is included

with all four (4) Market Analysis & Trade Recap Vlogs for $14 per month.

PLEASE NOTE: Credit Cards will not be charged until 50% of all Emini 500 Academy

Courses and Vlogs are completed and online.

Cancel Anytime...


End-of-Week Market Analysis & Trade Recap Vlog

 End-of-Month and Long-Term Stock Market Analysis Vlog

This is an excellent DAILY, WEEKLY AND MONTHLY continuing education to our Emini 500 Index Futures trading courses. These updates will illustrate our chart analysis and trading for the day. There may be a dozen trades, and likewise, there may be zero trades. We will explain why! 

Each Friday, we will post that daily Vlog on YouTube.com so you can share, and/or, recommend our research with friends, family, and associates that my have an interest.

The End-of-Week and End-of-Month Vlogs

We plan to create an Affiliate Marketing program so interested parties can promote our services and get paid when someone subscribes. We can either spend our money on advertising, or on affiliates, or both! STAY TUNED...

Additionally, each Saturday our members will have online access to our Market Analysis, plus a recap analysis of our trades for the week... the winners, the losers, what we should have done better... and why! SEE Below...

Again, consider these trade recaps as continuing education of our academy courses.

Buttons will be active soon with expected Course Launch Date Early 2025.

Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer: Courses Regular Price of $98 for all five (5) is included

with all four (4) Market Analysis & Trade Recap Vlogs for $14 per month.

PLEASE NOTE: Credit Cards will not be charged until 50% of all Emini 500 Academy

Courses and Vlogs are completed and online.

Cancel Anytime...

What You will Receive from Emini500ACADEMY

Lifetime access to our courses including new content, improvements and video updates over time. 

Emini 500 ACADEMY course content will utilize text and videos of Emini 500 market analysis and trade setups. These trade setups will include entry, exit and stop prices with analysis supporting those prices. 

Emini 500 ACADEMY will benefit everyone from the beginning traders to professionals. 

The beginning trader will receive foundational instructions on how to begin trading highly leveraged futures and/or options on those futures. These online text and videos will include everything from setting up a brokerage account with an excellent trading platform to using that trading platform to analyze and execute trades. Everything from basics to advanced trading strategies, money management and the psychology of high-risk derivative trading will be covered in detail.

More importantly you will also learn what to avoid... that might cost you valuable time and money. 

The professional trader can skip all the basics and even most of the intermediate courses and simply glean the information they find most valuable, especially our unique Point & Figure chart construction and analysis. Premium Members will receive additional bonuses that took years to develop. See "Bonuses" section below.

The following Huge Benefits will outline a few foundational reasons to consider trading the Emini S&P 500 Index Futures Contracts. The same applies to the new Micro Emini except the transaction costs as a percentage of account size is more costly, i.e., trade the larger E-mini if you have the trading capital ($20,000 vs $2,000).

Therefore, beginners should start with paper trading and then move to the Micro. When they become consistently successful and confident they should start trading the larger Emini. 

Above all else, beginners must be patient and practice, practice, practice! Also, take the lessons repeatedly! 

Why do we prefer trading the Emini S&P 500 over all else?

The S&P 500 index, or Standard & Poor's 500 Index is a market-capitalization-weighted index. It is the most important stock market bench mark in the world. The value of these 500 stocks are far greater than the next 6,000+ US stocks combined.

The Emini S&P 500 Index Futures Contract is typically traded by more institutional and individual traders than any other futures contract except possibly the 10-year US Treasury Note futures from time-to-time.

Some traders prefer other stock index futures - which is fine. The vast majority of what you learn in these courses can be easily applied to any other stock index futures trading. Actually, the knowledge you gain here can be applied to other futures, stocks, options, Forex, Gold & even Cryptocurrency trading. Here are some the main benefits to help you create more wealth:

Huge Emini 500 Trading Benefit 1

For new traders that are unfamiliar with the Emini S&P 500 Index futures contracts the following items will illustrate the major benefits:

  • Interest free leverage of up to 95%.
  • Huge liquidity which means even very large accounts can enter and exit the market with little to no effect on price.
  • Round-turn commission costs of less than $3 to trade approximately $300,000 in notional value. Trading expenses matter.
  • Ability to profit from market rallies AND market declines.
  • Ability to use portfolio securities as an interest free margin deposit! This feature is like having no-cost assets to trade...
  • Ability to hedge stock portfolios against market declines. 
  • Significant income tax and accounting advantages over stock day-trading.
Huge Emini 500 Trading Benefit 2

Our premium advanced courses along with our blogs/vlogs will benefit anyone wanting to learn, AND/OR improve their skills in trading the Emini S&P 500 Index futures. These skills include:

  • Learn the benefits of Candlestick, Point & Figure, Bar and Tick charts, and how each can be used to analysis trends and turning points. We believe Tick charts are the best.
  • How to use very short-term to very long-term charts to get the "Big Picture."
  • How to use moving averages, trendlines and other tools to establish support & resistance levels and supply/demand zones. 
  • In trading, especially short-term trading, determining support & resistant levels is paramount and leads to a higher win rate.
  • We will teach using the "KISS" philosophy of Keep ISimple Stupid. A system with the fewest moving parts is the most reliable.
Huge Emini 500 Trading Benefit 3

The ability to compound profits of a successful futures trading strategy can be extraordinary.

Although most traders lose money, traders in the top 5% to 20% use the the low transaction costs and high leverage to compound profits.

Only 400 net-profit points are needed to make $20,000 or a 100% profit. That 400 net-profit point is less than 10% of the S&P 500 index.

  • A 400 point net-profit produces the margin required for a 2nd contract. 
  • Then with 2 contracts traded only 200 net points are needed to add a 3rd contract.
  • Then with 3 contracts traded only 133 net points are needed to add a 4th contract.
  • Then with 4 contracts traded only 100 net points are needed to add a 5th contract.

Notice the decreasing levels of net-trading profits needed to margin ($20,000) each additional contract.

In losing streaks the reverse occurs acting as an automatic risk adjustment feature by reducing the number of contracts traded.

To achieve the above, you must master the best top-trader skills we teach. 

Huge Emini 500 Trading Benefit 4

Income tax rates for trading futures are very favorable. With any "mark-to-market" IRS Sec. 475 election - futures trading are taxed 60% long-term and 40% short-term no matter the actual holding period. Check with your CPA to verify this law is still in existence prior to tax filing deadlines.

This occurs because at the end of each trading day profits and/or losses are settled by the futures broker even if the trade had not ended, i.e., there is no possibility for long-term qualifications even if held long-term.

Summary of Emini futures unique benefits:

  • Trades nearly around the clock so trading can be full or part-time. 
  • Some traders trade for a few hours before going to their other job, or in the evenings.
  • Interest free leverage of 90% plus. We highly suggest $20,000 margin per contract for the Emini and $2,000 for the Micro Emini.
  • Trading liquidity is outstanding. 
  • Very low transaction costs.
  • Extraordinary compounding potential.
  • Very favorable capital gains tax rates. 
  • Work/trade anywhere and anytime with a PC or laptop or smart-phone.  

In the above "Huge Emini 500 Benefit 3" we "suggest" a minimum of $20,000 margin to trade and compound profits. The following will be explained in the courses, but it illustrates the extraordinary compounding benefits of a highly successful trading and money management system. As noted, a 100% account increase is required to trade 2 contracts, whereas another 50% return will allow a third contract, then a 33% return will add contract #4, 25% to add #5 and so on.

It's simple math! And interest free! 

This is a another element of good money management, whereas profitable periods increase the number of contracts traded, and unprofitable periods lead to a reduction of contracts traded. There are several additional elements that will be taught in our courses. 

PLEASE NOTE: Your credit card will not be charged until Course 2 is completed, plus all Daily and Weekly Vlogs are available! Signing up now will assure your Discounted membership. 

Completion expected Easter 2025...

Cancel Anytime...


Our 1st 500 "Founding Members" @ $14 per month vs $28 will receive these additional Bonuses!

Bonus 1
FREE Lifetime access to AlphaTradersAcademy.com 
investing/trading site once it is launched and operational.

In addition to the Trading Courses taught here at Emini500Academy.com, our sister site, AlphaTradersAcademy.com, will teach investing and trading individual Stock, Mutual Funds, ETFs, Stock Options, Forex, Crypto, Commodities, and Stock Day-Trading.

These additional courses will teach you everything you need to know to "Survive & Thrive" in your marketable securities wealth building strategy.

Even seasoned professionals will glean a number of improved techniques and trading tools. Professionals will also find using Alpha Traders Academy courses perfect for teaching their new recruits and as "Continuing Education" courses for their existing employees. 

I addition to four (4) completely new courses, the Basic and Advance Options courses will be more extensive to stock options.

Bonus 2
Point & Charting System with chart templates set up for Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets or Google Sheets

We will teach you how to construct and use Point & Figure or PnF charting. These unique charts can produce precise entry and exit trading prices. This Bonus alone took years to develop and is worth having! Note: TradeStation comes with PnF charting capabilities, whereas Think Or Swim at Charles Schwab does not. So, if you are only using Think Or Swim you might appreciate this Bonus.

This 100+ year old charting method is used by many hedge funds and other professional technical departments of large money management firms. PnF charts help to filter out sideways non-volatile "noise," and more clearly identify turning points, trends and breakouts.

This unique trading system was developed by our founder over many years and its value is easily in the thousands of dollars.

About Emini 500 Academy's Founder/Instructor,

David W. Burdick

In 1977 David began his financial services career with SunTrust Banks of Florida. In early 1983 he approved a commercial real state development loan to a limited partnership group headed by a VP with Dean Witter Securities. Not surprisingly, he then left banking to begin his securities career with Dean Witter reaching the level of Vice President in retail financial services and securities brokerage.

Prior to the above he started a small manufacturing firm while a senior at the University of Central Florida studying for his electronic engineering degree. All of this training and experience was instrumental in his mastery of both fundamental and technical analysis of the markets. He has developed several trading algorithms and found the best of them were also the simplest.

While a broker he held nearly every securities, options and futures licences, including the Series 3 Commodity Futures, Series 4 Options Principle, Series 6 Variable Annuities & Unit Investment Trusts, Series 7 General Securities & Series 63 State Securities Laws, along with the license required to trade foreign currencies that have essentially been replaced with Forex. David chose to focus on and master short-term trading of stock index futures and options which requires a great degree of price charting and technical analysis.

He eventually left the securities industry for commercial real estate development. The 2008 real estate crisis was not kind to him and he was reminded of the devastating combination of high debt leverage and zero liquidity... more reasons to love trading the stock market and Emini S&P 500 stock index futures which has near instant liquidity 99.9% of the time. 

In contrast to investing in real estate with borrowed bank money, the Emini S & P 500 stock Index Futures have a zero interest expense on leverage of roughly 90% and are highly liquid. Plus, the Emini 500 is excellent to use for hedging stock portfolio risk and supercharging portfolio returns.

Futures contract trading also enjoys unique and beneficial income tax advantages no matter the holding period, along with simple one page trade accounting. Near zero commissions with zero interest on trading leverage AND short-term tax advantages... 

What's not to love about Emini S&P 500 futures trading?

IN SUMMARY: Economics, politics, trading, spiritual matters and teaching are David's passions. He is the father of three grown children and a past founder of several small businesses in manufacturing, construction and financial services industries.

Here’s what long-time friends are saying about David

Although this is the first organized teaching course David has created, he has a history of teaching subjects he is passionate about. Those areas include finance, investing, trading, economics, real estate, construction and most importantly the Bible. 

The following testimonials are by David's long-time friends and business associates. They are very familiar with his passion about investing and trading, but they will focus mainly on his character. Each of these three friends have worked closely with David in either financial services, small business, real estate development or commercial construction. 

Don French began his securities industry career with David in 1983 as a stock broker with Dean Witter Reynolds which merged with Morgan Stanley. He also enlisted David's help in forming an investment services division of a major southeastern commercial bank in 1993.

Don French

Commercial R/E Investor,


Associate and trusted friend since 1983

We were hired in 1983 out of 600 applicants for the Dean Witter Reynolds stock brokerage training program in Orlando, Florida.

We roomed together for the first year and became best friends even though we went in different directions over the years.

Both of us eventually left the commission based brokerage industry to pursue other business ventures.

David is usually the first person I call when I need an answer to a problem because of his diverse knowledge and experience.  

I trust his judgement, but mostly I trust him. David is the most honest person I've ever met. I'm highly confident this will be an excellent high-value service.

Ray Jordan

Commercial R/E Investor,

Contractor & Entrepreneur

Associate and trusted friend since 2004

I met David through my previous R/E partner, Don French. In 2004 David joined Don French and me to help in developing commercial real estate in Texas for our own portfolio.

David joined my church soon after moving to Texas with his three small children. He and his children became valued friends with my family right off.

Even though he moved away in 2011 we remain great friends and I still value his opinions on many subjects.

I respect David a great deal, and like Don French said, his integrity is the best. I really enjoy talking with David about investments, business and especially the bible and our Lord.

Jerry Free

Commercial R/E Investor,

Contractor & Entrepreneur

Associate and trusted friend since 2007

David knows how to do so many things from stocks, futures and real estate investments to commercial construction and real estate development.

I met David 2007 on a large 600 acre master planned community development in Texas. He was the Project Manager representing investors from New York City. My company had won the sealed bid to complete construction of the first phase.

The investors out of NYC were pretty sketchy so without David's help in getting cost over-runs paid fairly my company might have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

He went to the mat for us and never asked for anything in return. I consider him family.

Frequently Asked Questions

Simply click each button below for to see our answer to each Question:

How much capital is required to trade the Emini S&P 500 futures contract? How much for the Micro Emini?

The Emini S&P 500 index futures margin requirement is less than $16,000 as of January 1, 2024, but your broker may require a larger deposit. 

We suggest at least $20,000 giving you room for a 20%+ drawdown ("losses") before your broker asks you to put up more margin capital. The Micro Emini 500 is 1/10th that figure, but again, your broker will set their own rules. NOTE: these numbers change with market volatility.

The reason we suggest having roughly twice the required minimums is to avoid getting margin calls which is stressful and unproductive. Every trader will have draw-downs or losing streaks which is normal and to be expected. 

Even Warren Buffett has weathered many 50% draw downs in his career and he doesn't use leverage. You may never experience a 50% draw down, but always have a plan for it anyway.

We will explain the above in great detail in our courses. If anyone is telling you they don't have losing streaks they are either lying or the richest person on earth!

Why are you only teaching stock index futures and why only the Emini S&P 500 Index futures? 

The Emini 500 is arguably the best futures contract in the world to trade in the following terms:

  • Number 1 - Volume is huge so liquidity is awesome.
  • The Emini 500 trades more than other stock index futures.
  • Trades electronically -- prices are totally fair.
  • Can be used to hedge stock market portfolios.
  • Focusing on just a single futures contract makes learning more focused, and therefore easier to learn. 
  • What is learned here can be applied to other futures contracts, stocks, options, Forex, Crypto, etc.

What is the experience level required to trade futures and options on futures?

Each broker sets their own requirements and some are more strict that others. Try to get approved with a larger more reputable futures broker. We have accounts at TD Ameritrade to use their number 1 trading platform, ThinkOrSwim. We also have accounts at Charles Schwab and Interactive Brokers.

You will need to ask each broker what their requirements are. You can open a paper trading account at most brokers to judge the ease of using their trading platform. 

We will start out teaching the TradeStation and ThinkOrSwim trading platform, and later we may teach how to use other popular brokerage platforms.

If you are a beginner with zero futures experience it is paramount to begin paper trading followed by trading the Micro Emini. This keeps the risk and stress level low enough to focus on trading rules, plans, methods, strategies and system development.

How much money can a new trader make and how much should they risk? 

How much can you make? If you have a good system, including a superior money management strategy, the top 5% of traders can make 100%+ every year; the top 10% might compound 50%+. This includes down years when the vast majority of investors are losing money.

NOTE: How much can you lose? 100%. Some say 90% of ALL traders lose! Don't be part of the 90%... Be in the top 10%...

Do the annualized return-of-return on Richard Dennis' $1,600 to $200 million in 10 years (see last Q&A). It's off the charts! Who can achieve that ROI? Maybe one trader out of a million could.

But, don't let that stop you from trying. 

How much should you risk? With the Emini $10,000. With the Micro Emini maybe $1,000. If you lose those amounts, but don't want to quit go back to paper trading till you figure out success.

That said, you better know exactly what you're doing or you'll just burn through your capital needlessly. It takes time to practice, practice, practice. You must train your brain to recognize chart pattern and trade setup probabilities, along with learning how to overcome your destructive emotions.

Start with paper money, then with the Micro, then with the Emini using only money you can afford to lose!

BE PATIENT and DON'T RUSH. Remember we can teach you systems and strategy, but your mental and emotional states will certainly effect your success. 

An analogy I like to use is to imagine two snipers in a war, one is the best marksman ever, and the other one is just good. Once they're in the heat of the battle with the enemy shooting back the best marksman who is a nervous wreak gets very few kills, but the good sniper who controls his emotions is much more deadly.

That's the emotional element that you must development. Have ice in your veins when trading... that takes time. 

Also, trading Emini 500 futures are not like buying a growth stock that is about to trend 100, 200, 300% or more over the next several years. Remember the stock market has suffered 50% declines several time since this bull began in 1982. 

Option trading can produce huge profits also, but options are a wasting asset with very higher costs to trade. You MUST know what your doing to BUY options.

In my opinion, it's far easier to master trading the Emini 500 futures. Once you master this then consider mastering option trading. I've done both.

Options are for when you're absolutely convinced of an imminent major move.  

What are the best features & benefits of trading the Emini S&P 500 Futures Contract?  

Theoretically, you don't even need cash to trade the Emini. If you have marginable securities in your account they can be used to meet the futures trading margin requirements at most full service brokers. That said, you will need sufficient cash to cover normal trading losses that occur with even the best traders.

In our "Mastering Portfolio Risk Hedging" we will begin with a $100,000 S&P 500 Index MUTUAL FUND instead of using individual stocks and other marginable securities. We do this to maintain the focus on our Emini 500 futures and options hedging and trading.

NOTE: futures positions settle at the end of day as if you had closed out your position, even if your position is still open. This is called mark-to-market

The S&P 500 Index funds outperform the vast majority of professionals so this strategy makes perfect sense for most equity investors.

Why are you teaching something so valuable? Why not just keep it to, or for, yourself?  

The best question saved for last.

  1. Teaching is a great way to increase one's own knowledge, insight, and hone one's skills, i.e., Greater SUCCESS!
  2. A content website is a great business that can be grown over time. AlphaTradersAcademy.com, our next site, will focus on stock market investing and may have a far greater audience. It will also be a far larger and more complicated website.
  3. Emini500Academy.com could help a small population due to the risk involved and the time/focus required to be successful, whereas the stock academy will be helpful to EVERYONE.
  4. Our most important reason for teaching is helping those who are, or will be, trading futures and other derivatives.
  5. Lastly, and most importantly, giving is better than receiving...

Google Richard Dennis. He is one of the greatest commodity futures traders of all time. He turned $1,600 into $200,000,000 in ten years. That is an average annual return of roughly 223%

Mr. Dennis made a bet with his associate at the time that he could teach others to do as well as him in terms of profitability. He hired 23 students with zero experience in trading. Some of those students are now billionaires.

While I was a broker with Drexel Burnham Lambert in the mid 1980s we raised $50 million in client capital over several months for Mr. Dennis to manage. He was up roughly 50% in just six months. 

We then raised an additional $200 million overnight. I called my clients and pulled their money out until we saw how he handled that massive amount of money. 

That turned out to be a wise move on my part because he then lost 50% over the following several months. In my opinion, too much trading capital, and those associated pressures, can affect anyone, even the best of the best. 

Again, psychology and emotions are so important. It takes great patience, time and experience to succeed in something like futures trading.

Stock market declines can build wealth faster than market rallies if you know how to trade the Emini

The Emini S&P 500 Index futures contract is by far the best overall leveraged trading vehicle! Why?

  • Electronically exchange traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (the "CME") guaranteeing trade execution for both the buyer and the seller. No middleman between the buyer and the seller which could lead to unfavorable trade fills. Forex is not exchange traded...
  • It is one of the most actively traded futures contracts in the world, so liquidity and executions are excellent.
  • Commissions can be around 50 cents per buy or sell at the best brokers. 50 cents to essentially trade a contract representing nearly $250,000 is extremely low.
  • Unlike shorting stocks, there are no restrictions. Profits are possible in rising, and falling markets.
  • The Emini 500 trades nearly 24 hours per day starting Sunday afternoon and ending Friday afternoon.

Markets typically fall faster than they rise... Therefore, if you know when and how to take a short position, you'll be able to make money when others are losing. If shorting is a new term to you, don't worry we'll explain everything in great detail and you'll discover our "KISS" (Keep-It-Simple-Stupid) methods of STOCK INDEX FUTURES trading.  

Tired of watching profits disappear or worse yet they turn into losses? We'll show you how to protect your portfolios against market declines (hedging) and even profit from those declines (shorting). Losses can be painful, but if managed properly they are simply a byproduct of doing business.

Bottom Line: If the S&P 500 Stock Index moves 100 points or ~2.2% you could make 25% or $5,000 on a $20,000 Emini S&P 500 Futures trading account... it moves 100 points all the time... if you're right 25% vs 2.2%...

Also, we'll show you the best methods to control the size of your losses and compound your profits.

Trading can produce small winners, small losers, big winners and big losers. Just get rid of the big losers and the little winners will offset the little losers... Again, we'll show you how.

Have you ever wondered why most years the same poker players are competing for the Poker Players' Championship in Las Vegas?

Are they really gambling? Don't they all get dealt poker cards from the same dealer and from the same deck? (The Stock Market is our card deck & dealer!)

What skills do they have that others don't? How long did it take them to develop those skills? How much money did they lose before they mastered those skills and started consistently making money?

Those very same questions apply to futures traders, except the very top traders make hundreds of millions. Also, top traders are very private, you'll never see them on CNBC or even hear about them.

They could care less about fame, it's fortune, and the freedom those fortunes give them they're after.

First, we'll teach you how to develop a system that will give you an edge over other traders that don't have a winning system or methodology.

Statistical analysis skills have been finely honed by both poker champions and top futures traders. It's all about probability.

Second, both poker champions and top futures traders are masters of psychology. This applies to themselves and their opponents. 

The obvious difference is that the poker champion only needs to discern the behavior of his opponents at the table whereas the futures trader must discern the behavior of all active stock market participants. Don't panic, this is easier than it sounds but takes practice!

Knowing "when to holdem and when to foldem" is paramount to money management (building wealth). 

Do You Have Clear Rules?

Do You Follow Them?

The absolute Number 1 requirement to be successful in BUILDING & PROTECTING your WEALTH is to follow a proven set of investing and trading rules. Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch and every other superstar follows a proven set of rules and requires their assistants to do the same. Want to be the best you can be? Make solid rules & follow them!

Alpha Rules plus Skills = Success = Profits = Wealth = Freedom! 

List your email below to receive an extensive set of rules for investing, trading and hedging. These rules are broken down into "Investing" in stocks & funds along with separate rules for "Trading" stocks, options & futures. The only purpose of this form is to send you our "Alpha" Trader Rules PDF. Everyone will benefit from these 33 Rules!

Other email forms will to used for other purposes. Also, we will never share or sell your information!

Request our 33 Investing & Trading Rules PDF Below...
They will help anyone perform better!

This email PDF Form below will be operational soon...

21-Day Evaluation Money Back 

100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

No questions asked...

We believe in providing the best educational training at the best prices. Our founder has an engineering degree and is a long-time do-it-yourself advocate. He is passionate about helping others, and feels no one will do a better job at trading your own account than you will... once you have the requisite skills!

We have reviewed our best competitors, and we believe you will not find a competitor that offers better stock index futures trading courses for less. Simplicity is the key to success, and we feel confident that anyone using our courses and Vlogs will benefit.

Even professionals will find a few new and unique tools for their trading tool box. Again, we have not found anyone teaching our simple, easy-to-understand methods. 

We hope you are blessed with a great deal of success!

My personal note:

Great wealth is not just about an abundance of money... it's about the freedom to do what you want to do, or what's most important to you. Many super wealthy people spend their later years devoting their time and money helping those in need... even blessing total strangers suffering hard times that they may have read about. 

A blessed person is someone with awesome friends and family doing what they were meant to do in this lifetime.

Mastering the markets is the second best thing one could do as a "career endeavor," second only to helping others learn to master these trading methods and strategies.

Oftentimes the best way to take one's understanding to the highest level is to teach others how to master a specialized discipline like stock market index futures trading, i.e., teaching IS learning! 

Futures traders can make far more than doctors or lawyers! Without the years of schooling and the hundreds of thousands in college costs. They have the freedom to work from anywhere they have an internet connection... even while vacationing... full-time... part-time... any time! Remember 90% lose $$$,

These COURSES, along with our daily/weekly market analysis and trade recap VLOGS, are designed to give you knowledge, skills, and experience.

Also, there are awesome tax advantages and profit/loss reporting... making profit compounding and tax preparation far easier. 

You're not ready to commit yet? Sign up to be notified of our Course/Vlog completions.

If you have an interest in learning our very unique stock index futures trading techniques click the button below so we can notify you once our Courses and Vlogs are ready.

We will not sell or share your information, and we will only notify you that we are operational for your evaluation. 
